
Where does the evil eye come from?
The evil eye beads that we know and love have been around for centuries and have popped up in many different cultures all over the world. In this article we'll...
Where does the evil eye come from?
The evil eye beads that we know and love have been around for centuries and have popped up in many different cultures all over the world. In this article we'll...

5 Fantastic properties of Citrine
The Citrine gemstone is one of the most popular types of quartz. Its colour ranges from lemon yellow to deep golden yellow and is strongly influenced by heat treatment. The...
5 Fantastic properties of Citrine
The Citrine gemstone is one of the most popular types of quartz. Its colour ranges from lemon yellow to deep golden yellow and is strongly influenced by heat treatment. The...

Are you an Empath? Test yourself with these 8 q...
If you have always been someone who is easily attuned to others, someone who is emotional, or someone who feels overwhelmed by the "vibe" of your surroundings, you may wonder...
Are you an Empath? Test yourself with these 8 q...
If you have always been someone who is easily attuned to others, someone who is emotional, or someone who feels overwhelmed by the "vibe" of your surroundings, you may wonder...

Around which hand should you wear an evil eye b...
While it is important to test this for yourself, there is a spiritual significance of wearing your bracelet on the left or right hand. Depending on the type of gemstone...
Around which hand should you wear an evil eye b...
While it is important to test this for yourself, there is a spiritual significance of wearing your bracelet on the left or right hand. Depending on the type of gemstone...

10 Symptoms for the Evil Eye!
While some people do not believe the evil eye really exists, for many of us it is part of our upbringing, our culture. We have all blamed the evil eye...
10 Symptoms for the Evil Eye!
While some people do not believe the evil eye really exists, for many of us it is part of our upbringing, our culture. We have all blamed the evil eye...

40 Diepe Vragen voor je Schaduw-zelf!
Iedereen heeft een duister kantje, maar wist je dat je hieraan kan werken? Neen, we gaan onze duistere kant niet negeren of onderdrukken, integendeel! Het heet "shadow work", ofwel "schaduwwerk", en omvat...
40 Diepe Vragen voor je Schaduw-zelf!
Iedereen heeft een duister kantje, maar wist je dat je hieraan kan werken? Neen, we gaan onze duistere kant niet negeren of onderdrukken, integendeel! Het heet "shadow work", ofwel "schaduwwerk", en omvat...